Headquarters: Thor's Realm Titlebar

       Welcome to Headquarters: Thor's Realm, This section of my site is devoted to my latest hobby, action figure collecting. My collection currently includes 11 12" inch figures by various toy companys, almost 20 3¾" figures of a variety of periods and makers, and finally a variety of figures ranging from Spawn, Lord Of The Rings, Movie Maniacs, KISS, and too many more to list here.

       Currently, I am working on expanding my 12" figure collection and building custom scenes and accessories for them. You can find my latest creations and scenes in the pages following this one. Just follow the links below to browse my galleries. I am open to buying, selling, and trading so if you're a collector just drop me a line and lets work something out.

Operation: Pemaquid (The Invasion of Maine, Summer 2002)

Bombed Out House Diorama (Built September-October 2002)

The German Army Collection

Extreme Detail (3¾" figures) Diorama (Built Summer 2001)

Covert Ops: The Sniper Files (Part One)

Soldier and Equipment Displays

1:6 Scale Conversion

Picture Galleries Printable Accesories Blueprints
Tips and Tricks Links Visit Thor's Realm

May God bless the families of the Columbia Disaster.

Comments? Questions? Trades? E-mail me at